Guarding the Jewels
 Guarding the Jewels 

On duty guarding England's crown jewels at the Tower of London, London
Canon EOS 20D: 120mm (192mm) f/4 1/250" ISO 200 Capture time: 2006-10-24 06:14:09
Speaking from experience, having to stand at attention for long periods of time is NOT fun. I can't imagine doing so with that beast of a "hat" with a chinstrap that resembles a gag. I was going to mention the bottom button being undone as a flaw but now that I think of it I remember reading somewhere that this is a tradition. It probably is since I doubt this guard would be sloppy with his dress and deportment.

Anyway, nice shot.

Posted by Datreebear on December 15, 2007 at 9:15 AM

raide comme un piquet et interdiction de bouger un cil : ca doit pas etre rigolo ....

Posted by rem_la on January 1, 2008 at 1:45 PM

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