The Chicken Lover
 The Chicken Lover 

Oscar, one of the neighbour's cats, visiting us in search of a free handout, at home in North Vancouver

christine: Oscar is a silly little cat who spends much of his time outdoors. His owner Brian, a neighbour of ours, rarely keeps him inside his apartment. As a result, we've grown an attachment to Oscar and know him well by name (& reputation). I had some kitty treats on hand that I fed him at first. But when those ran out and I needed to lure him out of the apartment, I gave him a slice of chicken. Big mistake, as he's always popping by for a 'visit' (obviously for more chicken!)
Canon EOS 20D: 34mm (54.4mm) f/5.6 1/125" ISO 400 Capture time: 2008-05-06 07:43:50
Needless to say...I love cats. Very nice photo of Oscar. He knows he's well loved. He reminds me of *Big Kitty* one of ours.

Posted by Tom Sheehan on May 7, 2008 at 5:23 PM

A familiar story to those of us who know cats so well. It is always a gift when they allow us to share their world.

Posted by AG on May 8, 2008 at 2:20 AM

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