Muthappan Temple
 Muthappan Temple 

In Parassinikkadavu, Southern India

christine: Out of respect to the Hindu religion, I refrained from touring most of the inner temples we visited while in India. After being told the tenth time by our friend Jagu that we could and should enter the Muthappan Temple, I slung my camera over my shoulder, removed my shoes, and entered the temple.

What struck me was the same feeling of reverence I also sometimes feel in cathedrals and churches. Feeling eyes on my back from the edges of the temple, I meekly walked closer to the holy shrine and closed my eyes in prayer. After, we walked slowly around the perimeter of the shrine, inhaling the heady scent of incense, and took our leave from which we came.

I found a moment of peace in that tiny temple, and I was pleased to hear that Simon did also.
Canon EOS 20D: 35mm (56mm) f/6.3 1/400" ISO 100 Capture time: 2005-04-26 20:26:19

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