Ye Olde Tuck Shoppe
 Ye Olde Tuck Shoppe 

In Corfe, Dorset, UK
Canon EOS 20D: 70mm (112mm) f/4.5 1/160" ISO 200 Capture time: 2006-10-17 05:49:04
great framing :)
might you elaborate and tell us what this title means ? i suppose it's pretty slang and don't have enough knowledge to understand it well
take care

Posted by kheops on July 30, 2007 at 4:58 AM

From wikipedia:

A tuck shop is a small, food-selling retailer, found in schools and youth clubs.[1] It is a term principally used in the UK and Queensland, Victoria and New South Wales[2] in Australia, and occasionally in other parts of the former British Empire.[3] In New South Wales the term is interchangeable with the word canteen. When the tuck shop is in a school, it is frequently the only place (other than the school canteen) where monetary transactions can be made. As such, particularly in the UK, they often sell items of stationery too; although food is still their primary source of income and customers. In Australia at both youth clubs and schools the tuck shop is mainly staffed by volunteers from the community, this may include students, parents and in the case of clubs: members.
Look up tuck in
Wiktionary, the free dictionary.

The term "tuck", meaning food, is slang and probably originates from such phrases as "to tuck into a meal". It is also closely related to the Australian English word "tucker", also meaning food. A tuck shop typically sells confectionery finger-food, such as sweets, crisps, fizzy drinks and so on. In recent years, there have been moves to change to a wider variety of "healthier" foods. In Australia, where the tuck shop will typically be the only source of bought food at the school/club, the menu is more substantial and is more similar to the school dinners provided by the British government.

Posted by Christine on July 30, 2007 at 9:53 AM

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