By the Cavelight
 By the Cavelight 

Animal Flower Cave, Barbados

Its name is derived from sea anemones called "animal flowers" that grow in the cave's many pools. Each 'flower' consists of tentacles which can sting and paralyse a passing fish which pose danger to it.

The cave was discovered in 1780 by two English explorers. Its coral floor dates back as far as 500,000 years.

At various times of the year, ocean water surges into the tiny cave and floods it for weeks at a time, making it inaccessible.

The caves were made somewhat famous by being used to set Billy Ocean music videos and in the filming of the soap "The Bold & The Beautiful".
Canon EOS 20D: 70mm (112mm) f/9 0"6 ISO 100 Capture time: 2006-02-01 09:26:09

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