Dead Flower Macro, Stanley Park, Vancouver
christine: One February afternoon while I was impatiently seeking signs of the upcoming spring, I saw these wilted flowers remaining from the previous year. At first glance the flowers were dull, drab, and lifeless. But on second look, the wilted flowers took on a lacy delicate appearance through the late-afternoon sun. I let my camera do its work. An elderly woman, who we met through previous trips in the gardens, stopped to see what I was doing. She asked me why I was interested in photographing dead flowers such as that. I just replied to her that there is beauty in everything.
How I wish I knew to photograph in RAW back then...
Canon EOS 10D: 100mm (160mm) f/2.8 1/90" ISO 250 Capture time: 2005-02-27 18:26:16